This Electric Cooperative contracted SEnergy to complete studies to analyze the effect of two Community Solar installations on their system at two different substations. For the first substation, two studies were completed, one for a 500 KVA system and one for an 826 kVA system. At the other, the study was completed for a 999 kVA with possible battery storage in the future. SE added the Community Solar installation locations to their Milsoft model including the expected demand output and fault contribution to the system. Voltage drop studies were completed for both peak and non-peak load levels during daylight hours to determine if any system improvements were needed to support the Community Solar addition. Historical interval data was reviewed to determine if backfeeding through the substation bus was a possibility during off-peak daytime hours. Fault analysis and coordination studies were also completed to determine the Community Solar contribution to the fault flow on the distribution system as well as coordination between sectionalizing devices during potential back feed. SEnergy’s scope of work included: Managing the preparation of DP/LSE audit response, serving as subject matter expert for audit, reviewing active standards with the Client, ensuring appropriate documentation and evidence is provided, preparing written responses for each standard requirement, executing and submitting pre-audit questionnaire, reviewing all submittals and developing audit “game plan”, and providing follow-up support. (2019-Current)