Community Solar Projects / DG

This Client retained SEnergy to coordinate the preparation of a RFP to solicit proposals for companies that will design and install Community Solar / Distributed Generation Solar projects on a turn-key basis on properties in their service areas. SEnergy’s scope of work included: Preparing RFPs for the design and installation of community/DG projects on a turn-key basis including RFP requested technical and cost information regarding various options, such as tracking arrays vs. fixed arrays, SSA (Solar Services Agreements), PPA (Purchased Power Agreements), and other purchase/ownership options; Issuance of RFP/management of proposal responses including issuing request for proposal, managing and responding to vendor information requests and questions, and receiving proposals from vendors; Proposal evaluation including fully evaluating and vetting the RFP, developing a short list of suppliers from the RFP process, attending short listed vendor meetings as requested by Client, negotiating contractual agreements with preferred suppliers, finalizing and implementing contractual agreements with preferred suppliers, attending collaborative meetings as requested by Client, and attending board meetings as requested by the Client; Project management of project deployment to current selected site and four future sites; Grant procurement and implementation support including development of two grant proposal submittals and development of final grant proposal submittal; and Program Development Support including tariff and rate design for Solar in Your Community program and program deployment and implementation support. This Client was awarded a $50,000.00 grant from the DOE and an additional $100,000 grant for Best LMI program. (2016-Current)




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